Reef Innovations

Living Shorelines for Homeowners! Florida, Alabama & Mississippi

July 23, 2014 by Reef Innovations  

In April Jim attended the Sea Grant sponsored workshop on Living Shorelines for Alabama and Mississippi.     It was great seeing the push for individual and groups of homeowners to re-establish living shorelines, and moving away from Sea Walls.   The science, various options and the legal issues were presented.  Below you will find links to the .pdf of their  presentations.    It was great seeing Reef Balls highlighted in most of the presentations. The Big Question is,   Do you need a breakwater, or just native plants? If you need a Breakwater,  what are the advantages of Reef Balls  over other structures.

  1. Permeability  (water passing threw)
  2. ph can be adjusted for the ecosystem your wish to recruit
  3. 22 years history of success in over 60 countries
  4. no toxic or hazardous materials
  5. surface area, and habitat for fish, invertebrates and in the right salinity oysters
  6. weight ratio  to  strength
  7. stability,   the design keeps in in place, and there are anchoring techniques available
  8. mimic natural reef systems and their ability to attenuate waves so that (beach) erosion is managed by natural like processes. 
  9. * An organizational  structure, designed to work with government, NGO’s, and volunteers
  10.   many more.

As you plan your living shoreline, be sure to check with Reef Innovations, for ideas on the product,  to see how you can be involved, or to purchase a turn key Living Shoreline.

Living Shorelines for Coastal Protection in Alabama and Mississippi- Agenda

8:30 a.m.

Vendor Fair and Coffee

9:00 a.m.


9:15 a.m.

Welcome, Objectives, and IntroductionsStatus of Living Shoreline Research: Where are we now?

  • Bret Webb, Univ. of South Alabama (PDF)
  • Stephen Jones, Geological Survey of Alabama (PDF)
  • Chris Boyd, Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant (PDF)

10:30 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

Living Shoreline Success Stories: Project Showcase

  • Carl Ferraro, Alabama Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources (PDF)
  • Ali Leggett, Mississippi Dept. of Marine Resources (PDF)
  • Zach Schang, Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection (PDF)

Meeting the Needs of Homeowners

  • Dottie Lawley, Mon Louis Island, AL
  • Victor Stevens, Florida

12:15 p.m.

Lunch – Networking Vendor Fair

1:15 p.m.

Liability Concerns for Contractors

  • Niki Pace, Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal Program (PDF)

Permitting Living Shorelines

  • Sandy Gibson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District (PDF)
  • Willa Brantley, Mississippi Dept. of Marine Resources (PDF)
  • Carl Ferraro, Alabama Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources (PDF)

Homeowner Handbooks & Contractor Technical Bulletins

  • Willa Brantley, Mississippi Dept. of Marine Resources (PDF)
  • Tom Herder, Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (PDF)
  • Mike Shelton, Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (PDF)

Next Steps Discussion Session

3:45 p.m.


4:00 p.m.



Below are some additional links that might be usefull in planning your living shoreline.

  1. Living Shoreline Methodology  Amy Baldwin Moss, Fl Department of Environmental Protection, Ecosystem Restoration Program
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With over 30 years of combined experience in research, product design, and manufacturing of Reef Balls, Reef Innovations is a leader in innovative design and construction materials for Reef and Breakwater projects.

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