Reef Innovations

Why are Reef Balls Better than Other Artificial Reefs?

September 29, 2023 by Reef Innovations  

Marine restoration efforts have led to many novel artificial reef creations, designed to rebuild damaged or depleted underwater ecosystems. Granted, when it comes to artificial reef solutions, some approaches are better than others. We contend reef balls offer the most effective method, and we’d like to elaborate why.

Reef Balls

Primary Reasons Reef Balls are Better Than Other Artificial Reefs

Toxin-Free Materials – The construction of artificial reefs can involve a variety of materials. However, when you select our reef ball habitats, you have our assurance that they’re made with sea-life-friendly materials, free of PCBs (poly chlorinated biphenyls). This means they don’t pose a health risk to ocean biology (which would be entirely counterproductive). While some artificial reef makers will utilize old ship parts to create habitats, this can cause problems if the salvaged equipment contains toxic residue, copper, iron, or chromium.

Reef Balls Remain in Place – The last thing you want is for your reef habitats to shift around the next time a hurricane rolls through the area. It takes too much time, effort, and money to deploy large objects, only to see them swept away or damaged. Therefore, it helps to invest in dense reef balls, which anchor easily to the ocean floor. We even make some of them that weigh a ton with a base greater than six feet long (Goliath Reef Balls).

Optimal Habitat for Aquatic Life – It’s also important to establish a legitimate habitat for marine life, if you expect your restoration endeavor to bear fruit. That’s why our products have plenty of intricate holes and entryways all throughout them. Those also provide for the free flow of current and light; essential ingredients for regrowing coral and other sea flora.

Most Cost-Effective Solution – Sure, you can salvage old boats and other “materials of opportunity,” but have you considered the logistics of moving them around for deployment? It can be a nightmare, costing you a fortune. Reef balls have the advantage of far easier transportability. So, although deployment is still labor intensive, it’s not as burdensome as trying to handle other reef restoration options.

Explore Reef Balls for Your Coastal Location

Reef Innovations also partners with local communities, builders, and private companies to deploy reef balls in several locations. This can be everywhere from underneath coastal bridges to far other out into the ocean, often with the help of local businesses. If you own or operate a coastal business, and have an interest in coral restoration, then we’d love to hear from you.

The team at Reef Innovations welcomes you to explore our full range of reef ball products. We possess a terrific variety of shapes and sizes, including several customizable enhancements. Call us anytime to learn more about reef balls at 941-330-0501.

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With over 30 years of combined experience in research, product design, and manufacturing of Reef Balls, Reef Innovations is a leader in innovative design and construction materials for Reef and Breakwater projects.

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